Contact us

Hey there, thanks for stopping by Soundproofing Life! My name is Prithal Bhardwaj and I’m the blogger behind this website. Soundproofing has been a passion of mine for the past 5 years, ever since I started working from home and found it difficult to concentrate amidst the constant noise from outside.

As I started researching solutions for my own soundproofing needs, I quickly realized that there were so many others out there facing similar challenges. That’s when I decided to start this blog – to share my knowledge and experience with anyone who might need it.

Whether you’re a musician, a new parent, or just someone looking for a little more peace and quiet in your life, I’m here to help. I cover everything from simple DIY solutions to more complex soundproofing projects, as well as the latest products and technologies on the market.

If you have any questions, comments, or just want to say hello, please don’t hesitate to reach out! You can use the contact form below or send me an email directly at I love hearing from my readers and I’m always happy to help in any way I can.

Thanks for visiting Soundproofing Life, and I hope you find the information here useful in your own soundproofing journey!

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